Table Fan Wattage & Running Costs Revealed (With 5 Cost Saving Tips)

Table fans are being used in almost every house and when a person buys a table fan they always want to get a fan that does not provide much cost to run it. This article guides you about the table fan wattage, the factor on which the cost depends, and what is the average cost to run a table fan.

Table Fan Wattage:

The average table fan wattage is 42.5W of the world’s best-selling fan. The below table shows the average table fan wattage for small, medium, and large fans which do have impacts on power consumption. 

Table Fan Wattage
Table Fan Wattage
Table fan sizeAverage table fan wattage 
Small size (4” – 6.9”)28.7W
Medium size52.7W
Large size ( 10”+)44.3W
All sizes 42.5W

How To Work Out The Cost Of Running Table Fan? 

The average cost to run the fan is based on the average table fan wattage of a fan and the actual consumption of power. The following are some factors that do affect the cost of a running table fan:

Fan’s wattage:

The fan wattage is mentioned at the bottom or bag of the table fan but the mentioned is the maximum wattage the fan can consume but the actual wattage will be different.

Duration of use:

If a person wants to know the cost of a running table they have to choose a duration at which the fan will be used so that they can find the cost of that period for example the cost to run a table for 1 hour one day one month etc. after that the person they can easily get the cost of the running table fan during that period.

Unit rate / the price paid per kWh:

The unit rate price per kWh is different according to the location. The average price of 1 kWh in the US is 15 cents. 

So after knowing the above-mentioned details, finding the cost of a running table fan is now easy. Firstly divide the web page of the fan by 1000 and get the answer in KW. Now the second step is to multiply the wattage of the fan by the duration of the use. The answer figure will be the price you are paying per kWh. 

For example, if a fan does have 26.4 Watts of power consumption on a medium speed and is being used for 2 hours then after falling the above-mentioned steps $0.15 per kWh is the cost paid for a running table fan.

 What is the Average Cost To Run A Table Fan?

The following are some points explaining the average cost to run a table fan over various durations in the US.

Table Fan Wattage
Table Fan Wattage

Average Cost for Running a Table Fan Per Hour:

On average, the cost to run a table fan is approximately one cent per hour which costs up to $0.0064 per hour. When the average is taken of the small fan that cost up to $0.0043.

Average Cost for Running Table Fan Per Day / 24hrs:

On average, the cost to run a table fan is approximately $0.153 per day when it is run continuously for 24 hours and if a small fan runs for 24 hours it costs up to $0.103 per day.

Average Cost for Running table Fan Per Week:

On average, the cost to run a table fan for one week is approximately $1.07 and If a small fan is Run for the same period that is one week it costs up to $0.72.

Average Cost for Running Table Fan Per Month:

On average, the cost to run a table fan for a full month and used it for 24×7 hours costs up to $4.74, and if the small fan is done for the same period on average it costs up to $3.19.

Average Cost for Running Table Fan Per Year:

On average the cost to run a table fan for a full year and use it for 24 * 7 hours it would cost $55.64 and for the same period the small fan would cost up to $37.4.


The wattage depends upon the size of the table fan and different sizes have different average wattages as mentioned above. And according to the wattage and the usage of the table fan, the cost of running a table fan is determined. The table fan wattage helps to the maximum power rating of the fan. A person should buy the fan according to the size of the room and by checking the wattage which is available on the packaging of the fan or on the fan itself.


Which type of fan uses less electricity? 

A ceiling fan is the most efficient fan and uses less electricity which is on average $0.0059 per hour. 

How to reduce fan power consumption? 

Turning off the fan when it is not needed will help to reduce power consumption.

Rick Costa

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