Actual Xbox Series X Electricity Running Cost (5 Cost-Saving Tips)

Everyone nowadays is getting attracted to their gaming console and becoming a console is becoming a machine that consumes very much electricity. In this article, you will get to know about the gaming console which is the most powerful console Xbox series x. What is the Xbox series X’s electricity running cost and how can we reduce the electricity running cost of the Xbox series x?

Xbox series X electricity running cost:

When we talk about the electricity running cost of the Xbox series x on an average calculation it costs 2.7 cents per hour 19 cents per week, 80 cents per month, and $9.64 per year to run the Xbox series x. The Electricity Running Cost of the Xbox series x does differ by the mode of the gaming console if the Xbox series X is on standby mode it costs approximately $31.61 per year. 

How much does Xbox series X consume electricity? 

The following table describes the consumption of electricity by Xbox series x while in different modes:

Mode of Xbox series XElectricity consumption
Power of mode2 w
Standby mode29 w
Dashboard42 w
Gaming mode211 w
Electricity Running Cost

Hence it is clear that different modes of the Xbox series X consume different amounts of electricity when an Xbox series X is in standby mode it consumes approximately 29w and when the Xbox series is powered off but still, it is plugged in it can consume the electricity up to 2 watts. The maximum consumption of electricity done by the Xbox series X during gaming is 211 watts

How much is the Electricity Running Cost of an Xbox series X per Hour? 

When we compare the cost of the Xbox series x to run per hour ur on an average because of electricity in the different mode are as follow:

ModeConsumptionCost per hour in the USCost per hour in CanadaCost per hour in the UK
Power off2 watts$0.00026C$0.0 036€$0.00034
Stand by mood29 watts$0.0038c$0.0044€$0.0049
Dashboard42 watts$0.0055C$0.0063€$0.0071
Gaming211 watts$0.027C$0.032€$0.036
Maximum capacity315 watts$0.041C$0.047€$0.054
Electricity Running Cost

According to a survey, in the US the average cost spent on the gaming on Xbox series x is 2.7 cents in the maximum capacity of the gaming console costs over 4 spends per month, and stand-by mood costs 1/3 of 1 cent. In Canada, the average cost spent on the gaming Xbox series x costs up to 3.2 sends per hour which is close to 5 cents per hour at the maximum capacity mode and half of one cent per hour on standby mode. 

And in the UK The average cost spent on gaming in the Xbox series x costs up to 3.6 Pounds per hour while playing the game in the maximum capacity mode costs up to 5.4 Pounds per hour and instant by mode costs up to half of 1 pound.

Electricity Running Cost
Electricity Running Cost

What is the electricity Running Cost of an Xbox series X per week, month, and year? 

The following table shows the running cost of the Xbox series x while playing the game per week month and year:

ModeCost per weekCost per monthCost per year
Gaming mode0.19$0.80$9.64
Maximum capacity0.28$1.20$14.39
Electricity Running Cost

The average Xbox series X gaming console in the US pays 19 cents per week, 80 cents per month, and $9.64 per year. the cost of running the Xbox series at maximum capacity is about 28 cents per week, $2.2 per month, and $14.39 per year.

How many amps do the Xbox series x use?

The amps used by an Xbox series it does vary depending on the mode:

  • The amps used by the Xbox series are from 0.58amps to 1.0 amps.
  • In standby mode the Xbox series used around 0.29 amps.
  • The amps used by the Xbox series is around 0.75 amps while playing games on it.

How to reduce the electricity Running Cost of the Xbox series x? 

The following are some simple ways that can help produce the running cost of the Xbox series X:

  • Unplugged. 
  • Use the Xbox series X energy-saving mode. 
  • Don’t stream. 
  • Be careful of the setup box


If the person just powers off the Xbox series X it will still consume electricity so by unplugging the Xbox series X they can save approximately $30 per year.

Use the Xbox series X energy-saving mode. 

For using the Xbox series energy saving mode change the setting by going to my games and apps then selecting settings and from there select the power mode and start up from the general tab then click on select power mode. Now by turning on the power saving mode the Xbox series X will save energy which will consume less electricity.

Don’t stream:

If a person streams on Xbox series X it will consume a lot of power increasing the cost of electricity bill so if we want to stream they can stream by using the smart tv, stream stick, Chromecast, etc. By doing this the power consumption of the Xbox series will be less and it will save the cost of running the Xbox series x.

Be careful of the setup box:

The person should not set the console up between the setup box and TV as it will make the Xbox series x turn on unnecessarily which will make the gaming console consume more power so be careful with the setup box.

Electricity Running Cost
Electricity Running Cost


The electricity cost for running the Xbox series x is about 2.7 cents per hour 19 cents per week 80 cents per and $9.64 per year. For reducing the running cost of the Xbox x series the person can follow the above-mentioned tips like unplugging the Xbox series x, turning on the energy-saving mode, don’t stream directly by Xbox series x, etc. 

Rick Costa

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