How Much Water Does A Dishwasher Use? (with Efficient Usage Tips)

A person who is washing utensils or dishes in a dishwasher there is a lot of questions they have regarding it. for example, how much does a dishwasher use this article is based on the studies done on 601 dishwashers which will explain the water usage of the dishwasher as per the duration of use such as dishwasher water usage by cycle month year.

How much water does a dishwasher use? 

A dishwasher using water depends upon factors that include the size of the dishwasher, whether it is compact or standard cycle type, and efficiency. A dishwasher that is old and inefficient uses up to 16 gallons of water per cycle and a dishwasher that is new and efficient uses up to 3.22 gallons of water per cycle.

water does a dishwasher use
water does a dishwasher use

Water used by dishwasher per cycle:

The dishwasher which is new uses approximately 3.22 gallons of water per cycle. A dishwasher does have water ranging from 1.64 gallons to 3.5 gallons per cycle. The most common usage of water by dishwashers is 3.5 gallons per cycle. The following table explains the usage of water by a dishwasher in gallons and liters per cycle:

Water usage categoryWater use per cycle in gallonsWater use per cycle in liters
Average2.2 gallons12.73 liters
Most common3.5 gallons13.25 liters
Highest3.5 gallons13.25 liters
Lowest1.64 gallons6.21 liter
water does a dishwasher use

Water used by dishwasher per month:

The dishwasher uses on average 57.6 gallons of water per month. And the range of the dishwasher for water usage is from 29.38 gallons to 62.71 gallons per month. The most common usage of water by dishwashers is 62.71 gallons. the water cost to run a dishwasher click here.

The following table explains the use of water by the dishwasher in gallons and liter per month:

Water usage categoryWater use per month in gallonsWater used per month in liters
Average56.6 gallons218.05 liters
Most common62.71 gallons237.38 liters
Highest62.71 gallons237.38 liters
Lowest29.31 gallons111.23 liter
water does a dishwasher use
water does a dishwasher use
water does a dishwasher use

Water used by a dishwasher per year:

Dishwashers on average use 691.24 gallons of water per year. And the range of the dishwasher is between 352.6 and 752.5 gallons of water per year. The most common usage of water by the dishwasher is 752.5 gallons. The following table explains the usage of water by the dishwasher in gallons and liters per year:

Water usage categoryWater use per year in gallonsWater use per year in liters
Average691.2 gallons2616.64 liters
Most common752.5 gallons2848.52 liters
Highest752.5 gallons2848.52 liters
Lowest352.6 gallons1335.74 liters
water does a dishwasher use

What is the use of water in various types of the cycle? 

The following table on average shows how much water a dishwasher use depending on the type of cycle:

Cycle typeWater used
Auto128.95% to 221.05%
Normal81.58% to 189.47%
Rinse only34.21%

How to make a dishwasher most efficient? 

The following are some tips that can help to make a dishwasher work more efficiently.

  • Run the dishwasher with a full load
  • Chooses your dishwasher wisely
  • Skip the pre-Risen. 
  • Turn down the heat.
  • air dry.
  • Choose the right size.
water does a dishwasher use
water does a dishwasher use

Run Dishwasher with a full load:

Don’t use the dishwasher again and again. Instead, the person can wait so that it gets fully loaded. This will help to consume the energy water and detergent the machine uses less.

Choose the dishwasher wisely:

The person who wants to buy a dishwasher should check the rating for energy and water efficiency. The least energy-stared appliances the person can look at is 25%. They should also look for dishwashers having extra features like a bonus upper rank which can be adjustable flatware slots which will help to keep the cutlery separated. Make sure to look at the decibel rating as if a person bought a cheap dishwasher it will make a lot of noise. 

Turn down the heat:

There are many dishwashers that can use the booster Heater to heat the water for washing utensils so avoiding the use of the booster heater will save energy and give you a positive result.

Air dry:

The person should not use the washer to use the electric heat or fan to dry the dishes or utensils. they can easily open the door of the dishwasher after completing the washing cycle and let the dishes try themselves. This will help to reduce power consumption by at least 20%.

Choose the right size:

The person should choose the dishwasher wisely according to the name. For example, a compact model dishwasher is more efficient than a large dishwasher if a person has to run the dishwasher not regularly every day.


From the above article, we can conclude that a modern dishwasher can use 3.22 gallons of water per cycle. A dishwasher type of cycle also has a great impact on water usage if the dishwasher is used in a rising cycle it approximately uses 1.1 of water and if it is used in a heavy cycle it will use 7.37 gallons. We can also conclude that if the dishes are washed by hand washing it uses more water than the modern dishwasher.


What makes the dishwasher use more water?

If the dishwasher is also used to sponge it will consume more water.

Running a dishwasher at night is beneficial? 

Yes, it is beneficial to run a dishwasher at night while peak hours.

Rick Costa

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